Museolla on kiehtovat nettisivut, joihin kannattaa tutustua:
Olen ajatellut, että Kummastuskammarissa olisi jotain samaa henkeä kuin Museum of Jurassic Technologyssä. Pieniä vitriinejä, joissa esitellään maailman ihmeitä. Ihmeitä, joiden autenttisuudesta ei voi olla aivan varma. Tai jossa kaikki voi olla autenttista, jos vain uskoo niin.
Talo on museon ja asuinpaikan yhdistelmä. Koti, jossa omituisillakin on tilaa elää, leikkiä ja parantaa haavojaan.
In English:There is a paragon for Kummastuskammari in the real world and in real size. I found this contemporary cabinet of curiosities by reading the book Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder by Lawrence Weschler. The book tells about the Museum of Jurassic Technology, located in Los Angeles. The collections consist of all kinds of curiosities, from works of art to natural science phenomena. Mr. Wilson seems to be serious about his collections and their authenticity, but the most fascinating thing is that the visitor can't really be sure if the exhibits are real or products of imagination. Mosaics so small they can only be examined with a microscope, a microminiature sculpture of a pope, carved from a human hair, a human horn from a head of a woman... I truly recommend the book!
The museum's fascinating web page can be found at:
I've thought that Kummastuskammari would share some of the spirit of the Museum of Jurassic Technology. Small showcases presenting the wonders of the world. Wonders whose authenticity you can only guess about. Or a world where everything can be authentic, if you only believe in it.
The house will be a combination of a museum and a home. Home where even the strangest ones have space to live, to play and to heal their wounds.